Aviapages Flight Time Calculator

by Skygex Limited

Maps & Navigation


Calculate flight time, distance & route for business jets

Flight Time & Route Calculator helps charter operators and brokers or final customers estimate essential flight data. Based on your request it calculates flight time, fuel consumption, shows airway time, wind impact, distance and time difference between airports, IFR data, and estimated flight price. Aviapages Flight Calculator is based on proprietary algorithms and uses real world flight data from different sources and databases as well as historical flight information. More than 300 aircraft types and more than 10000 airports are available for calculation. Additional filters and options are available for even more precise calculations.Design fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Excellent App! Much better than those found on google. However, some aircraft are missing.

John Grefphenreed

I wish I would have read the reviews before I downloaded, I entered my departure ICAO and my arrival ICAO, my aircraft type, date and time, and the number of passengers, and it said error: time difference, I want to know how long it will take me to get to my destination, not what time it is.


It says a Cessna 172 is still under construction, really!

Joel Charbonnet

need to sign up....what's the point...waist of time

Basel Commodities

Do not download. Don't spend your precious time. Airbort database very incomplete, countries missing, etc

Kantek .360

Pay to use nonsense

Myatt Snider